Monday 7 December 2015

What's in my bag.

Something that I am forever doing is swapping and changing my bag, and I always feel like I need a new bag, even if I don't. (that's a lie, a girl can never have too many bags). 
Something I don't always change though is the contents of my bag. So here they are. 

1. victoria's Secret body spray - Such a flirt. 
This has to go everywhere with me! Like, I hate feeling like I smell in public, even when I know I don't. Without it I feel so lost. 

2. Kleenex Tissues. 
Winter has definitely arrived and with the winter season comes a lot of runny noses and tearey eyes from the wind. They're just an ideal item to carry around. 

3. Soap and Glory Hand Food. 
This is also something I have to carry around with me, I cannot bare the thought of being on a bus and someone sneezing and then touching the bell to get off and then me touching it after them. No thank you, thats not for me. 

4. MAC Lipstick - Pickled Plum. 
A few months a go me and my lovely boyfriend went to Liverpool for a little get away and I could not resist visiting the MAC shop there and bought myself the shade I have been addicted to for the last 2 months since. Pickled Plum. 

5. Earphones. 
Music is something that's a massive influence to me and I cannot leave the house without my earphones. Listening to the likes of Arctic Monkeys or Courteeners through them definitely makes journeys via public transport a lot more bearable. 

6. Purse. 
There's not really an explanation for this, other than it carries my money, receipts, cards and bus pass in it. 

7.  Tub of Skittles. 
Usually, I have a tub of mint chewing gum but, I fancied a change. That, and the fact that I love skittles! Especially the red and orange ones. 

8. Notebook. 
This little notebook is like a bit of a godsend for me! It has literally everything in it! From blog plans and ideas, to now very recent Christmas shopping lists, my weekend away packing list and basically everything. 

What are your hand bag essentials? Leave a comment and let me know :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't go without my agenda and my hand cleansing gel!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a good day xx
