Sunday, 14 February 2016

Our First Valentines Day.

First of all, Happy Valentines day all! 

Today, was mine and my boyfriends first valentines day together and I can safely say it was so lovely and I got spoilt. 

We didn't really do much other than go to the local pub for some food and watch a game of football, which I know to some people might not seem all that romantic but I don't really like to make such a fuss when it comes to Valentines. Obviously I'm going to buy a card and present but just feel like we could go for a nice meal somewhere at any time. We're currently ending it with plenty of sweets and season 2 of Game of Thrones which is perfect. 

For valentines my boyfriend got me the Spectrum Siren brushes he knows I've been wanting for absolutely AGES. I was on a personal mission to try and get some before my 21st Birthday in May but now I don't think I need to. 

My card was also THE cutest thing ever!! Anyone that knows me, will know I adore Lady and the Tramp. It's been the film that I've always loved from being a young baby to now nearly 21 years later, and of course I love anything to do with it, so he somehow managed to find me a personalised Lady and the Tramp valentines day card. 

Guys, I legit cried when I opened it. I really am so lucky. 

I hope you all had a lovely day whatever you did and got some lovely gifts too. 


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