Monday, 22 February 2016

Feeling Good About Myself.

Talk about long time no blog!! Well, I say that, but... it has only been a week although, I feel like in the blogging world a week off is a long time! 

In the week that I've had away from doing any blogs I've had time to think about things. 

So, I've never been 100% happy with my appearance in all honesty. One of the nights last week I was removing my make up as I do every night and I came to the realisation of how unhappy I actually am. I looked at myself in the mirror and despised the way that I looked and still do look. It was the worst feeling in the world and didn't know what else to do other than break down and cry. 
This was when I knew I had to do something about it. The way I looked wasn't anyone else's fault but my own. I'd let my hair get into such a mess, I'd let my skin get into such bad condition and so on. There was no one else to blame other than myself. 

Thursday night I'd made plans to go out with my boyfriend and thought, you know what, I'm going to try and put some effort into making myself look nice.

Seriously, I was surprised how quick it was for me to shower, do my hair completely and do a half decent job of my hair, an hour it took me if we're going to be all precise about things. 

This was the end look. 

My boyfriend kept commenting about how pretty and different I looked, my family loved it and said I looked like a completely different person. 
I posted that same selfie on all personal social media and blogging social media and I got such lovely comments from everyone and without wanting to sound big headed, It made me feel so so good about myself. 

I don't receive compliments all that often and on the odd occasion that I do, I fail to accept them off people. That's just how I've always been. 

Now, I would like to say that the initial intention of this post wasn't so I could throw a little pitty party for myself because no. That's not the kind of person I am. 

All I'm saying that is, I've not been happy with my appearance for a while and now, I finally am and it's all from not being a lazy so and so and actually taking an hour or less to make myself more presentable. 

Might not seem a lot, but it is. 


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