Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Upcoming Events.

I think it would be more than fair to say the first half of this year is going to be more than hectic.
My boyfriend and I have so many amazing things lined up that I cannot wait for them. Of course, I will be sharing them all on my blog with all you lovely readers also :). 

The Last Shadow Puppets gig - OMG. I CANNOT BELIEVE I'M SEEING THESE. When my boyfriend text me to say he'd managed to get tickets I sat at my desk and cried tears of happiness. 

Noel Gallagher - I've always been a fan of Oasis, and of course Noel has and will always be my favourite of the pair. The gig is also 2 days after my boyfriends birthday and he's a massive Oasis fan too, so this was a no brainer really.

Milburn - Since being a very early teen and of course a Sheffield lass, I've loved Milburn. I remember they did a gig at a local venue called Leadmill and they supported Arctic Monkeys alongside Reverend & The Makers (who I also love) and my best friend had tickets to go, he was in the year above me and so obviously older, sadly I was too young to go and unfortunately ended up with me having to miss out. Luckily though, I'm going twice to see them, including the last night of their shows. 

My 21st Birthday - In all honesty, I'm dreading turning 21 but so excited for all the birthday celebrations I will be having with the people I love the most. 

Busted - I am also mega excited to see Busted!! It'll be my second time seeing them as I went when I was younger, my dad took me to see them bless him haha! This time I'm going with my boyfriends two sisters and It's going to be so good!

DISNEYLAND PARIS - I've put this into big letters to emphasise the excitement I have to be going. My boyfriend and parents surprised me with a trip to Disneyland Paris for my 21st birthday and I seriously cannot wait. 

The Stone Roses - Getting tickets to see The Stone Roses was also another one of those times that I cried with happiness. I had previously had the opportunity to see them a few years back at Heaton Park but sadly had to give up my ticket due to sixth form placement. This time, I won't be giving my ticket up for anyone or anything. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Feeling Good About Myself.

Talk about long time no blog!! Well, I say that, but... it has only been a week although, I feel like in the blogging world a week off is a long time! 

In the week that I've had away from doing any blogs I've had time to think about things. 

So, I've never been 100% happy with my appearance in all honesty. One of the nights last week I was removing my make up as I do every night and I came to the realisation of how unhappy I actually am. I looked at myself in the mirror and despised the way that I looked and still do look. It was the worst feeling in the world and didn't know what else to do other than break down and cry. 
This was when I knew I had to do something about it. The way I looked wasn't anyone else's fault but my own. I'd let my hair get into such a mess, I'd let my skin get into such bad condition and so on. There was no one else to blame other than myself. 

Thursday night I'd made plans to go out with my boyfriend and thought, you know what, I'm going to try and put some effort into making myself look nice.

Seriously, I was surprised how quick it was for me to shower, do my hair completely and do a half decent job of my hair, an hour it took me if we're going to be all precise about things. 

This was the end look. 

My boyfriend kept commenting about how pretty and different I looked, my family loved it and said I looked like a completely different person. 
I posted that same selfie on all personal social media and blogging social media and I got such lovely comments from everyone and without wanting to sound big headed, It made me feel so so good about myself. 

I don't receive compliments all that often and on the odd occasion that I do, I fail to accept them off people. That's just how I've always been. 

Now, I would like to say that the initial intention of this post wasn't so I could throw a little pitty party for myself because no. That's not the kind of person I am. 

All I'm saying that is, I've not been happy with my appearance for a while and now, I finally am and it's all from not being a lazy so and so and actually taking an hour or less to make myself more presentable. 

Might not seem a lot, but it is. 
Sunday, 14 February 2016

Our First Valentines Day.

First of all, Happy Valentines day all! 

Today, was mine and my boyfriends first valentines day together and I can safely say it was so lovely and I got spoilt. 

We didn't really do much other than go to the local pub for some food and watch a game of football, which I know to some people might not seem all that romantic but I don't really like to make such a fuss when it comes to Valentines. Obviously I'm going to buy a card and present but just feel like we could go for a nice meal somewhere at any time. We're currently ending it with plenty of sweets and season 2 of Game of Thrones which is perfect. 

For valentines my boyfriend got me the Spectrum Siren brushes he knows I've been wanting for absolutely AGES. I was on a personal mission to try and get some before my 21st Birthday in May but now I don't think I need to. 

My card was also THE cutest thing ever!! Anyone that knows me, will know I adore Lady and the Tramp. It's been the film that I've always loved from being a young baby to now nearly 21 years later, and of course I love anything to do with it, so he somehow managed to find me a personalised Lady and the Tramp valentines day card. 

Guys, I legit cried when I opened it. I really am so lucky. 

I hope you all had a lovely day whatever you did and got some lovely gifts too. 
Friday, 12 February 2016

Just What I Needed.

Those of you that follow me on twitter you may know that for the past week or so, I've been really, really Ill. 
Basically I have some sort of infection, which one I'm not sure but it's so uncomfortable. I was put on some antibiotics but they did nothing but make me feel even worse. I struggled to keep food down and yeah, it wasn't pretty. 

Because I'm ill and have been for a week, I feel like all I needed was just an hour or so with my boyfriend to take my mind off the illness. 

So, on Wednesday I was feeling not 100% better but a bit better than I had previously and could leave the house without any worry of being sick or something. He came and picked me up with some food and we headed off into town for an hour whilst he got his hair cut. Which looks really good I may add. 
After that we went off to Meadowhall to get some more stuff and went to a little hidden cafe in House of Fraser. 

OH MY GOD. The Victoria sponge cake in there is AMAZING. Sadly though I started to feel a bit off and couldn't finish it. I will definitely be going back for a slice when I am better though.

We didn't do much but it was so nice to see him and get my mind off this illness. It was honestly just what I needed. 

Update on illness - I am still very much ill however I've started new antibiotics and hoping they work because we have a weekend planned together. 
Wednesday, 10 February 2016

What's in my Michael Kors bag.

Hi everyone! 
Today, I've decided to do something I've wanted to do for a while but not really had the time, with work, college and having some sort of social life. 
So, today I am doing a What's in my Michael Kors bag. 

I got my bag for Christmas off my amazing boyfriend and when he gave it me I literally couldn't do anything other than cry (with tears of happiness of course). To some people it may not be much but to me it's honestly everything it's all I wanted and I love it so much! 

Because it's so special and cost a lot of money I'm trying to only use it for like when we both go out for dinner or something or special occasions. Another thing I'm trying to do is keep the contents in it at a minimum. 
One thing I'm really bad at is having a bag I love, over using it and over filling it and then after a few months it snaps or breaks and it's pretty heartbreaking. Well, I think it is anyway. So, here it is. 

Victoria's Secret - Aqua Mist. 
This is my least favourite of all Victoria's secret body sprays that I own. When I bought it I think I just got overly excited and just bought it. I'm not saying at all it smells horrible because it really doesn't, its just not one of my top 5 faves. 

MAC Velvet Teddy and Milan Mode Lipstick.
OH MY GOD. These lipsticks are legit my life. I love them both so so much. They go everywhere with me. Yeah, I just love them. 

Apple Earphones. 
My Apple earphones are such a massive essential for me in my bag. I love music so much and listen to it everyday. Also, there is absolutely nothing worse than being on public transport and someone arguing or something and it sounding like you're watching an episode of Jeremy Kyle. Nope, that's not for me thank you very much. 

Ted Baker Purse. 
When my boyfriend bought my bag, he also bought me this cute and pretty Ted Baker purse. It's quite small but it's an ideal small, like I used to have really big purses that weigh my bag down and really there's no need to have them that size. This purse is perfect and fits everything I need inside it. 

Floral plastic case.
The floral case is actually a card case, so in there I have all my shop beauty cards so theres ones like my Boots one and Superdrug one and I think it's a really good idea to carry one around. I think it was like £1 too so can't really go wrong with it. 

Soap and Glory hand gel and Neutrogena Hand moisturiser. 
These two also go everywhere with me. When I was in college I worked at a Nursery and obviously there washing hands was a massive thing to do to cut out the risk of passing on germs. After every sneeze and cough washing my hands literally became habit and now I can't not do it I feel so dirty if I don't. So yeah, they go everywhere I go.

That's it now for what's in my Michael Kors bag. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

New Obsession.

Guys, can we all just take a second to appreciate how pretty my phone looks now?!
Apart from the slight mess of putting on a screen protector on, but that is legit because I was so excited to put my glitter skin on it after. 

A few moths ago I got myself a iPhone 6s in Rose gold because, why not? As if the phone without a case or skin on wasn't pretty enough alone, after hours of endlessly looking on Instagram, I stumbled across a page called Sassy Skinz and had a look. OH MY GOD. The phone skins on there are to die for. I knew instantly that I needed one because on the pictures and videos uploaded on to their instagram they looked so shiny and pretty.

Pretty soon after I headed on to their official website and literally found it so hard to pick which skin I wanted to start off with. I've now made it my mission to buy them ALL. 
I saw this lovely pink one and bought it to see what they would be like, I think it was like £4 or something which isn't expensive at all. 

It arrived within 2 days of making the purchase so the delivery was super speedy which is always a good thing! 

I put it on the night that I'd got it and honestly I thought it would be a lot harder to do than it was, my other fears was that as it's a sticker if I took it off it would leave a lot of excess sticky stuff and completely ruin my phone. Both were not the case at all. 
(haha "not the case", that's pretty funny because it's not a case and the pun genuinely wasn't intentional). 
Anyway, back to it. 

The skin was super easy to apply and stuck instantly, there was no messing about and literally took me all of 5 minutes tops to apply.

I have just recently bought a new Rose gold bumper edge clear back case for it which makes it look even prettier and makes sure it doesn't accidentally tear off. That's something that I'm clumsy enough to do. 

I have also purchased a new sassy skin for my phone and I cannot wait to put it on round the time of my birthday, I think it'll look mega cute when I'm in Disneyland. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Early Birthday Surprise.

I actually cannot believe my luck. For those of you that follow me on Twitter you may know why, for those that don't follow me on there, here's why I feel so lucky.

So, for absolutely ages now, the one place I've been desperately wanting to go is Disneyland Paris. The last time I went was when I was about 7 years old and it was honestly one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. 

Anyway, I've wanted to go back even more so I'd say over the past year and half, but it's just that thing of finding the money to pay for it because it certainly isn't cheap and also finding someone that will actually go with me (that's a lot harder than you'd think but I honestly don't know why). 

 As some of you that follow my Twitter may know, I am 21 in May!! In all honesty I am looking so forward to it. On Friday night my boyfriend came up to my house like he does fairly often and I honestly thought nothing more about it. We sat and spoke, had tea and played a bit of pie face. I was having a really good night and he'd dropped a line about how much of a good week I was having with gig tickets that he'd managed to get us and then came out with the line "well, your week will get even better" and came back into the room with an envelope. 
In the envelope was an A4 piece of paper with pictures of Euro Disney on and the dates that we're going. 

That was it, the flood gates was opened and I cried my eyes out. Not with sadness of course but with happiness. Anyone that knew me knew it was somewhere that I've wanted to go for so long. I am genuinely so happy and I cannot wait to go back. 
It's my present from my parents and boyfriend and I really do feel like the luckiest girl in the world. It was so unexpected. 

I really do feel like I have the best boyfriend and family in the world and it was the best early birthday surprise I've ever had. 

So, as from today, it's 105 days and counting.