Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Smart Casual Work Look.

One of the main questions I find myself asking is "what am I going to wear for work today?!" 
Like, it is seriously one of the hardest decisions I have to make on a daily basis. 
We have no set uniform, the dress code is smart casual but like, that dress code is something I find myself really struggling with. 
I am only an administrator for an Occupational Health company but, I feel like the pressure is still there to look good for work in case any clients are to come in or something. Anyway, I think yesterday I had the smart casual look spot on! 

Admittedly the picture quality isn't the greatest. But I LOVE this outfit!! 
It was so simple too. 

I'll let you into a really bad secret, the shirt is in fact a dress, but what I did is I put it with some black cigarette trousers and so that meant I could safely tuck the bottom part of the dress into my trousers and no one could tell. Bad, I know, but it totally worked. 

The shoes I wore with the outfit are definitely my new favourites! 
I originally got them for a Northern Soul night I'm going to with my boyfriend and his family and friends which I cannot wait for! But yeah, they're heeled loafers and lets just say, me and heeled shoes have a mutual dislike for one and other, especially when alcohol is involved. 
I loved these shoes though as soon as I saw them and worried my night would be ruined because my shoes are bothering me after a while, so what better way than to wear them for work and bed them in like that? 

Can I just say they are the comfiest heeled shoes I think I've ever owned! I adore them so much. 

They seemed to just go perfectly with the outfit that I wore for work too which is a bonus. 

I literally loved this outfit, felt like a completely different person and the amount of compliments I got from people was unreal. Something I'm definitely not used to. I will definitely be dressing like that a lot more for work. 

Shirt / dress - Quiz clothing - £15.
Trousers  - George at ASDA - £14.
Loafers - George at ASDA - £16.


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