Tuesday, 19 January 2016

How Anxiety Effects Me.

Anxiety is something that can affect many people in many different ways. Sometimes you won't even be aware that someone suffers with anxiety. 

It's always been something I've suffered with but growing up I didn't really understand why I felt the way I did, so I dealt with it a bit better I think, it's not until I left school and I was thrown into the big wide world and left to fend for myself that the realness of the whole thing hit me. 

When it came to starting sixth form my anxiety really kicked in because I was about to meet new people and have to socialise with what I considered to be absolute strangers. With my course I had to go out and do voluntary placement so that meant working a long side people I don't know and having to bond some sort of working relationship with them. 

I left sixth form and gained friends but of course it was something that at first was very daunting for me and something that for me took a lot of adjusting out of my normal sit quietly and get on with the work sort of routine. 

Then, it came to finding a job. It took me a year to find a job and once offered it, the amount of sleepless nights I had on the run up to my first day of a working paid job. Once I'd started and found my feet I was okay. 

My anxiety is something that has recently started affecting on a daily basis. I've been in my job nearly 3 years now and still every day I get anxiety over having to speak to people, I attend college but when it comes to the night before going, I cry and can't sleep because I don't want to face the rest of the class. 

Blogging is also something that I'm finding hard. I love doing it, but I see other bloggers on twitter talking and  and it's something I wish I could do,  but my anxiety stops me. 

It's something I am working on dealing with a lot better. 


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